Sunday, June 17, 2007

Illustration Friday: Rejection

So many possibilities for this theme. I was going to draw a dog looking sadly on as its owners fussed over their new baby but it hit a little too close to home, so I changed to this idea.


Melinda said...

I vote for this one! There is nothing else that comes to mind... all you can do is feel sorry for the poor guy!

Eli said...

Very New Yorker style, nice line work and interesting faces, good stuff.

Anastasia said...

awww poor guy! id dine with him, he's a cutie!

mike r baker said...

Oh, you did it again! Amazing how you can capture a whole story with so few elements. Fantastic!

Ammon said...

Very well done! You have a great style.

Jennifer said...

oh so sad! very nice work!

MION said...

Really good...poor guy:-)

nicole falk said...

very nice! so simple yet so fantastic!

Haroldgipps said...

Looks like you won a sympathy vote or two there ptboy.