Saturday, April 28, 2007

Illustration Friday (Saturday for me - I'm in the southern hemisphere): REMEMBER

Other ideas I had: somebody sitting by a gravestone or a cross, like a small boy or a dog; somebody looking into a glass of wine, smiling; somebody digging out an old mandolin from a dusty box. Come to think of it, I like those ideas better than the one I ended up with, especially the mandolin one.


Nancy Bea Miller said...

I really love your style. On the subject of ideas v. reality: of course the drawing in your head is always better than the one you just did! That is the way our artist brains work, I think. But, this drawing is wonderful!

Mônica said...

You do have such a great style, it´s so fresh and full of life and feeling. And you certainly have lots of great ideas, including the one you used for this drawing!

Designing Fairy said...

love the nose on this little girl! Very cool style.

Steve Mitchell said...

Nice expressive style! I love the focal point on the flower.

mike r baker said...

So cute! And poignant. You have a wonderful way of capturing a feeling.

biteyourowntail said...

As the other people have said, this is lively and fresh - I really like it - real spontaneaity

Mambo cha cha cha said...

Great pencil work! Cute!

arvindh said...

cute one here. like your pencil work

Haroldgipps said...

A rose by another name, or perhaps Delta Dawn.